Friday 17 August 2012

2012, August 13 - 14 - Karijini National Park (via Port Hedland)

Me and mum on the Spider Walk
Hancock Gorge, Karijini
Trip Meter Reading Start – 1056
Trip Meter Reading Finish –  1133
Total Km Travelled –  77 km

Dales Campground, Karijini National Park; $16 p/night (x2 adults x1 child); $10 per vehicle

Comments – Luke
Today (Monday) we set up camp in Warlu Loop in Dales campground.  We went to a look out overlooking the Circular Pool; it was a long way down.

We then went down the gorge for a swim at Fern Pool where their were two water falls and lots of fish.  After that we went to Fortesque Falls witch was a larger waterfall; the surrounding rocks had strippy layers, one of which is a blue esspertesse (asbestos – good try Luke!).  Back at camp I’m working on becoming a Junior ranger.

Today (Tuesday) we explored Hancock and Weano Gorge.  I enjoyed the Spider walk the most because it tests your skills the most by climbing along rock ledges and going through narrow gaps in water.

Comments – Mum and Dad
The visitors centre at the park was beautifully set out, with plenty of aboriginal and early settler history and information.  Mark purchased a new cooler as he misplaced his Big Banana one (sorry Helen!) for a souvenir; I bought a couple of pressies for my neice and sister in law for early birthday gifts to send home when I get to Tom Price.  Luke was also given a questionnaire and some research papers to complete on the Park to earn a Junior Park Ranger badge – great idea for kids learning on the road about the environment and how to look after it!

We booked two nights as we arrived at midday; receipts in hand we proceeded to fill up at the water tank then to the ranger station where some lovely volunteers allocated us a site.  The campsite was very private, red but not dusty; the surrounds were gorgeous and nothing like the seaside vistas we are used to seeing.

This park has claimed many lives, so caution is required as the rocks are slippery and slate like plus there are ladders to climb up and down.

Information in hand, we set up camp and drove down to the two lookouts, the first overlooking the gorge down to Circular Pool.  The red slate walls against the blue sky and yellow Spinifex is just amazing!  Then you have these crystal clear deep green turquoise pools below.  Around the corner we clambered down the rocky stairs to Fortescue Falls which is like an amphitheatre overlooking a deep pool fed by the falls; the rocks are natural slate steps.  Around the corner we took a dip at Fern pool which is a turquoise green colour fed by small water falls; small fish surround the timber pontoon which has a ladder into the water....just gorgeous and not far to walk like other gorges.

Swimming at Fern Pool, Dales Gorge Karijini National Park WA
The next day we headed off on a 56 km dirt road drive to Weano, Hancock, Joffre and Red Gorges.  Don’t be put off by people saying the road is too rough (its a load of crap); most of these people have pristine expensive 4wd’s that they don’t want to get dirty.  Take an easy and careful 60km / hour drive in an AWD or sedan and you will be fine!
Road out to Weano, Hancock and Joffre Gorges
At the carpark we met ‘Bill’ who has been on the road for 12 years after fleeing Hungary in the 70’s; he was kind enough to charge up our camera battery and guide us down into the Hancock Gorge.  It is such a short walk (which is a relief) to the edge of the gorge then a steep scramble down into the bottom; at the bottom you walk along smooth slate rock amongst running water and you need to be careful not to rush as the water on the smooth rock is ultra slippery.
Mum swimming through the chasm while I
climb high to keep my feet dry (good thinking 99)
Through here is a chasm filled with very cold (ok extremely cold) water; now you can wade or opt to climb up and around, which we did.  This takes you to another pool then the ‘Spider Walk’ which is another chasm that you use your feet and hands to clamber along the walls to Kermit Pool......Luke loved this, but don’t all kids love climbing....the photos will show you what I’m talking about.
Kermit Pool at the end of the Spider Walk, Karajini National Park, WA
 By the time we explored the Red Gorge, the day was almost over, however we did stop into look at our last gorge for the trip (did I say last?) Kalamina Gorge.  I must say the water was very low and stagnant in here and the two arches were cut off by fallen trees, but we made our way through for the view; as the light was lowering toward sunset the colours against the rocks made this walk a pretty one.  One would say we were exhausted when we got home, covered in red dirt, I don’t think my white socks and shoes will ever be white again after that.

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